Anna Borkowska is a graduate of Tallat-Kialpsza High School of Music. 

She graduated from the Academy of Music in Vilnius in 1990 obtaining the qualifications: teacher, accompanist, chamber music artist.

In 1990-91 she worked as an accompanist in the vocal department at the Academy of Music in Vilnius.
Since 1993, she is an accompanist and teacher at the State School of Music of I and II degree in Suwałki and I degree at Emil Młynarski Music School in Augustów. From 1997 to 2013 she was the head of the piano and organ section. She has received multiple awards from President of City of Suwałki as well as CEA Director’s Awards. She received the honorary distinction “Meritorious for Polish Culture”, “Medal of the National Education Commission” and the Bronze Medal “Merit to Culture Gloria Artis”;

As a qualified teacher, she is a lecturer at the CEA consultation point (Augustów). Her students win top prizes at the most prestigious national and international piano competitions.

She repeatedly lectured and conducted seminars and courses for pianists, pupils and teachers of various types of music schools.   She is a juror of national and international music competitions and CEA auditions. 

Anna Borkowska 

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